Dipolar many-body physics with CaF molecules

In this project we use laser cooling of calcium monofluoride (CaF) molecules to investigate strongly-dipolar quantum matter. 

Recent years have seen tremendous progress in the direct cooling of molecules towards the quantum regime. We are setting up a new apparatus to use the favorable properties of CaF molecules to prepare ultracold samples via laser cooling and collisional cooling. Our goal is to investigate supersolids and closely related states of matter in the strongly dipolar regime (see here for our previous efforts to study these exotic states of matter using magnetic atoms.). 

 Experimental setup

In addition to our experimental effort we also theoretically investigate dipolar quantum matter in order to identify which molecular species are particularly well suited to explore certain dipolar states of matter, how state-of-the-art beyond mean-field theories, originally developed for weakly dipolar magnetic gases, can be pushed to their limits, and what other open questions in the field of dipolar physics could realistically be addressed using molecules.

Recent publications:

Phase diagram of dipolar molecules

This project is funded by an ERC Starting Grant